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As science advances have inevitably intruded on the field of sports as well, sometimes via the legal route, while others with the use of illegal and dangerous substances.
SARMs are synthetic substances quite similar to our well-known anabolic steroids, having, however, elementary differences from them.
Briefly, we can state that SARMs are the "evolution" of anabolic steroids.
Both products (anabolic steroids and SARMs) work very much in the same way: by binding your androgen receptors and causing changes in DNA, ultimately leading to increased muscle rebuilding and improved athletic performance (as well as many other important benefits).
Their difference is identified in the fact that SARMs work "selectively" on tissues, not causing the massive damage done by anabolic steroids to the organism, meaning significantly fewer side effects and reduced risk of long-term damage to the regular user's body.
Are they legal and safe?
Unfortunately, the answer to both of these questions is negative and in case you're still wondering, I mean it's negative for both anabolic steroids and SARMs as well.
This article helps in finding out in detail what SARMs are and how they work in the organism, the benefits they can offer and the risks they hide.
Besides, we look at legal alternatives you can safely use, ensuring the same benefits as classic SARMs, without the dangerous side effects.
These products (our own safe and dynamic proposal for bodybuilding) are 100% natural, imitating the action of the well-known SARMs almost to the maximum.
They are now established as “legal SARMs” and we do like them a lot, as their completely natural composition is not detected in doping controls.
Best of the line, legal SARMs, of the giant company CrazyBulk.
*CRAZYBULK SARMS* - Top 6 Legal Sarms to Take
Are there legal SARMs dietary supplements?
The truly legal and completely safe SARMs nutritional supplements do not actually contain SARMs.
In other words, they do not contain in their composition any of the banned and dangerous chemical substances found on the WADA list.
The legal dietary supplements SARMs have been created only from the highest quality all-natural ingredients "imitating" the action of the specific substances offering all the benefits, without the side effects.
Our selection of SARMs dietary supplements is the range produced by the leading company CrazyBulk.
Legit SARMs for Sale: CrazyBulk SARMs
Legal Natural SARMs and Classic (Banned) SARMs
Click Here to Visit the Testol 140 Official Website
SARM RAD-140 (Testolone) is one of the most popular in the sports world and one of the most powerful anabolic SARMs.
It is broadly used for muscle bulk, while also offering a spectacular boost to male libido (fighting sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction as well).
The legal alternative to Testolone is called Testol 140 and it comes to us from the leader in sports nutritional supplements, CrazyBulk.
Testol 140 - like its SARM counterpart Testolone or RAD 140 - is with no doubt one of the most popular and most powerful and effective natural SARMs supplements available on the market today.
It is designed to imitate all of the benefits that the chemical RAD 140 would offer, however, with no health complications.
What more could anyone ask for?
Unlike RAD 140, the natural supplement Testol 140, offers all the muscle benefits without causing cardiovascular disorders and hypogonadism, lack of energy and stamina, hormonal disorders and skin problems.
The natural SARM Testol 140 contains valuable nutrients supporting overall health (magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin D3 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), fenugreek, ashwagandha and senactiv).
The recommended daily dose for Testol 140 is 4 capsules.
Click Here to Visit the Ibuta 677 Official Website
Although it does not actually belong to the category of SARMs - but is a selective agonist of the growth hormone receptor (Selective Agonist of the Growth Hormone Receptor), it has become customary to refer to it as a SARM.
Broadly used in cutting cycles for enhanced fat loss.
An important sporting benefit is the strengthening of the user's energy reserves, as well as the significant improvement of his sporting performance.
Ibuta 677 is the completely legal and safe version of the well-known SARM (which is not actually a SARM) MK 677 Ibutamoren.
Like MK 677, CrazyBulk's natural counterpart Ibuta 677 helps increase growth hormone, which plays a key role in muscle growth.
Ibuta 677 will not cause any of the dangerous side effects of MK 677 Ibutamoren [increased blood sugar levels, muscle pain, fluid retention and swelling].
This legal SARM supplement stimulates the release of growth hormone (GH) and IGF-1 (insulin growth factor-1) in the organism and significantly enhances athletic benefits.
It is prepared from natural ingredients and scientifically supported (zinc, vitamin B5 and 6 amino acids: l-arginine, glycine, l-lysine, l-ornithine, l-glutamine and l-tyrosine).
The daily recommended dose according to the manufacturer CrazyBulk is 4 capsules.
Click Here to Visit the Ligan 4033 Official Website
LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is an even stronger bulking SARM that greatly enhances muscle gains from every workout.
It is one of the most broadly scientifically researched SARMs to date, with several human clinical studies.
Ligan 4033 is the alternative proposed by the CrazyBulk company instead of the SARM Ligandrol LGD 4033.
It enhances the natural secretion of testosterone, without causing side effects and hormonal disturbances.
It does not need a cycle of treatment, as it does not interfere with the organism's natural hormonal balance, it simply promotes the secretion of testosterone in the most harmless way.
It is not detected in doping controls and is not addictive.
Its formula was created only from natural ingredients such as: vitamin B3, anhydrous caffeine, beetroot extract, VitaCholine, Schisandra, vitamin D3 and methane methyl sulfonate.
It is recommended to take 4 capsules each day.
Click Here to Visit the Stena 9009 Official Website
Stenabolic SR 9009 is a chemical compound known as a metabolic modulator.
It improves the way the body uses fat, prompting it to burn it for useful energy (instead of storing it in its fat stores).
Its use has been banned by WADA, as its health effects are many and serious.
Stenabolic is used in the sports arena for cutting cycles and weight loss, while additionally promoting athletic performance.
The next legal SARM is CrazyBulk's Stena 9009 ensuring all the benefits of Stenabolic SR 9009 and promoting dynamic weight loss and drying of the body.
It is mainly a product for cutting and enhancing athletic endurance.
This particular natural SARM is not a chemical product and does not interfere with the organism's hormonal balance.
It can be used without fear and with no risk of disqualifying athletes.
With its natural composition, it increases thermogenesis and helps the body to draw thermal energy from the burning of calories.
This thermal energy - resulting from an increase in metabolic function and burning of body fat - is what ultimately fuels the mind and body 24 hours a day, from morning to late at night.
Furthermore, it promotes a fat-free bodybuilding muscle and creates a sharp line.
Stena 9009 is a blend of alpha lipoic acid (ALA), l-carnitine l-tartrate, l-citrulline, beetroot extract, vitamin C, vitamin B3, magnesium and capsaicin.
The recommended dose is 4 capsules per day.
Click Here to Visit the C-dine 501516 Official Website
Another drug called a SARM, but not actually a SARM, is GW-501516 Cardarine.
It is actually a PPAR agonist, and is broadly used in the development of lean muscle volume (bulking), but also in the reduction of body fat while protecting against muscle loss (cutting).
CrazyBulk's C-Dine 501516 is the top trend right now among bodybuilders for post-workout muscle recovery, sustained fat burning, weight loss and enhanced energy.
By targeting androgen receptors present in muscle and bone tissues, it increases testosterone levels with its natural ingredients and enhances anabolic effects.
It also promotes nitrogen retention and muscle oxygenation and is used in both bulking and cutting cycles within a stack.
With vitamins, iron, choline, pepper extract, InnoSlim, Astragalus membranaceus and Southern Ginseng it is undoubtedly an amazing choice that will not expose you!
With 4 capsules a day you will have spectacular sports benefits.
Click Here to Visit the Osta 2866 Official Website
MK-2866 Ostarine is an option used for muscle strengthening and building hard muscle mass.
This particular SARM is often used in a bodybuilding stack.
Osta 2866 is the last legal SARM covered today.
It is a natural formula of scientifically supported ingredients (zinc, magnesium, Salacia, fennel extract and ginseng) helping maintain the organism's glucose levels and muscle rebuilding.
In addition, it improves performance in the gym, which is why it has become one of the main choices of the sports audience.
It naturally increases testosterone secretion and protects soft tissues and joints from damage.
Finally, it promotes ATP synthesis to increase energy (extremely beneficial for those who exercise).
In addition, it helps reduce body fat at a rapid rate.
The recommended dose is 4 capsules 30 to 45 minutes before the gym.
What is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator/ SARM)?
SARMs are the latest trend in bodybuilding circles and beyond, a class of compounds created (at least initially) for therapeutic/medicinal purposes.
However, their similar anabolic properties to anabolic steroids quickly placed them into the sports arena (unapproved/illegal).
SARMs, although deliver reduced androgenic properties compared to anabolic steroids, remain illegal to use (just like anabolic steroids).
Nevertheless, unlike anabolic steroids, which to be clear bind to androgen receptors in many tissues throughout the body, SARMs selectively bind to androgen receptors in only specific tissues thus greatly limiting damage/side effects.
This "selective" action of SARMs is what attracted the interest of scientists. These "drugs" could be used to stimulate the growth of specific body tissues (thus avoiding further damage to adjacent body tissues).
This means they could target exclusively muscle and bone tissue growth, avoiding liver or skin tissue damage (which anabolic steroids cause largely).
SARMs were therefore created with the intention of being used as a prescription treatment for serious conditions causing extensive muscle or bone destruction.
Typical examples of such diseases:
- cancer - osteoporosis - liver disease - kidney disease - heart failure - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - and HIV
At this point, we should emphasize once again that until today all SARMs are intended for research purposes only. No approval has been granted for their use (therapeutic or sports).
Do SARMs come in different forms?
Yes. You can find SARMs in different forms with different PROS and CONS for each of them.
It is the basic form; SARMs are produced in powder form to enable them to be converted into any other form.
Liquid SARMs are undoubtedly the most popular form of SARMs right now.
The reason is that they don’t require special preparation and alchemy. It is easy to store and carry them everywhere to be consistent with your dose. It is very simple to calculate the dosage (even for beginners).
The most convenient form of SARMs is definitely the pill form, as it does not require dosage calculation or special knowledge.
It's also super simple to use, however, it's slower in action than liquid SARM.
Important Difference of between SARMs and Anabolic Steroids
While the purpose of their use is common, and their action is quite similar, SARMs bring a significant difference in the way they act on the user's organism.
Their important difference from anabolic steroids is their "selective" action on specific tissues of the body, a fact that is also evidenced by their very name.
The term "Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators" is the description of the action of these new-generation drugs designed to target only one of the steroid receptors [the androgen receptor (AR)].
Nevertheless, why is their difference from anabolic steroids so important?
Let's clarify why this seemingly small difference between them and the DPs is so important.
Most steroids act on all 3 steroid receptors, namely the Androgen Receptor (AR), the Estrogen Receptor (ER) and the Progesterone Receptor (PR).
However, this entails more side effects such as mood swings, aggression, gynecomastia, fluid retention, baldness/hair loss, severe acne and many more.
In conclusion, between 2 dangerous banned substances such as SARMs and anabolic steroids, we would clearly select the one causing the minimum harm, namely SARMs.
Their selective action limits the side effects, however, without falling behind in providing benefits.
Their difference, lying in their chemical structure, does not cause "aromatization". This practically means that SARMs do not convert into estrogen and therefore do not cause as much suppression of natural testosterone (and therefore side effects of hormonal origin) as is the case with AS (Anabolic Steroids).
However, both androgenic steroids and SARMs are known to be (though illegally) broadly used in the sports field for muscle growth, accompanied by a series of side effects (some temporary and others potentially leading to permanent damage to the organism).
For men, some of these side effects of AS - such as acne, gynecomastia, prostate enlargement and testicular shrinkage, baldness, male impotence - are quite common.
Women on the other hand tend to experience serious side effects such as increased body hair, severe acne and clitoral swelling.
Nevertheless, they are not the only ones, as of more serious concern are side effects such as liver damage and cardiovascular disease, blood clot formation, carcinogenesis and severe hormone disruption.
SARMs indeed offered a safer choice of androgenic drugs, but not completely harmless.
What is the Disadvantage of SARMs compared to Anabolic Steroids (AS)?
SARMs may now be promoted as the "safe alternative to AS", however, this is not the absolute reality.
I mean, indeed, SARMs are relatively safer compared to ASs.
However, - as mentioned earlier - both are considered strictly prohibited substances and their use entail a series of legal penalties.
Therefore, despite their safer mode of action, SARMs also present a very significant disadvantage compared to AS (I don't mean their anabolic power, which is indeed significantly lower).
The first and very important disadvantage is their effective power.
Anabolic steroids are known to have much greater anabolic power than SARMs (which is why many athletes select to use them despite their many adverse effects on the organism and their health).
Then there is their way of acting.
However, the big disadvantage of SARMs compared to AS - in our opinion - lies in the fact that they are drugs mainly for oral administration (and not in injection form).
This, in long-term use, could cause irreparable damage to the liver.
Are SARMs on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Banned List?
All SARMs (as well as AS) to this day, are banned for use (both in and out of competition) for all athletes, professional or not.
SARMs officially belong to the category of "Other Anabolic Agents" under section S1.2 of the WADA banned list.
Can a doctor prescribe me a SARM?
No. SARMs cannot be prescribed either for athletic or even medical purposes.
They are still in the research stage and no official approval has yet been given for their release on the market.
This means that any form of their use is considered illegal and prosecuted by law.
The only ones who can legally use SARMs are athletes who wish to participate in the relevant clinical trials.
In order to obtain approval and a license they will need to contact USADA to obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).
Health risks associated with SARMs
As repeatedly mentioned, SARMs may be SAFER than AS (anabolic steroids), however, that doesn't mean they are completely safe.
The FDA has warned consumers about serious side effects of these drugs (such as heart attack and stroke) that can even lead to the user's death.
It is no coincidence that SARMs are on WADA's list of the most dangerous potentially chemical preparations, the use of which is banned by law.
SARMs are investigational drugs whose long-term health effects are still unknown.
Are there nutritional supplements "contaminated” with SARMs?
As expected - and as happens with anything so popular and banned - SARMs have been released on the black market in various nutritional supplements of questionable quality, purity, effective strength and above all questionable safety for the body & health of the user.
So far, more than 120 dangerous SARMs products have been identified and have been added to Supplement Connect's high-risk list.
These supplements pose serious health risks to users.
These are also banned as dangerous and they are also detected in doping controls.
SARMs have been on WADA's list of banned drugs/substances since 2008.
Most Known/Popular SARMs and their main action
The SARMs broadly known in the circles of bodybuilding and sports, in general, are shown below:
- SARM Testolone / RAD 140: Testosterone Boost and Muscle Mass Benefits - SARM Ibutamoren / MK 677: Enhancement of Muscle Tone and Bulking - SARM Ligandrol / LGD-4033: Improve Muscle Strength, Increase Endurance and Muscle Gains - SARM Stenabolic / SR9009: Increasing Physical Strength, Enhancing Athletic Performance and Stimulating Endurance - SARM Cardarine / GW 501516: Pure Muscle Rebuilding - SARM Ostarine / MK-2866: Fitness Improvement and Bodybuilding Benefits
SARMs suitable for increased physical strength (Strength)
Why has the soaring popularity of SARMs raised concerns?
A clinical study conducted on SARMs [regarding the prevention of muscle wasting in patients suffering from cancer or other serious diseases], seems to have been overshadowed by their popularity in the sports world (and especially the bodybuilding world).
The FDA has repeatedly issued warning letters to 3 supplement companies in the United States offering the drugs for sale.
"We are extremely concerned about unscrupulous companies marketing bodybuilding products with potentially dangerous ingredients," it said in a related press statement.
Life-threatening reactions, including liver toxicity, have occurred in people taking SARMs products or supplements containing SARMs. These products dangerously increase the chance of heart attack and stroke, and the long-term effects on the organism are still unknown," FDA officials said.
Therefore, what is the problem (and the big danger)?
As it is well known, products classified as food supplements do not belong to "medicines and medicinal products".
For this reason and based on the 1994 Act (DSHEA Trusted Source Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act), dietary supplements are exempt from FDA studies and approval prior to being marketed and sold.
However, many for-profit reasons name various preparations as "dietary supplements" and include in their composition dangerous and banned substances.
The use of SARMs in nutritional supplements - not approved by the FDA - is illegal and prosecuted.
Consumers should be aware of the dangers of these preparations.
These bodybuilding products with dangerous, banned (and in many cases of dubious origin) synthetic substances are very likely to cause side effects and serious health problems (temporary or even permanent).
Stacks of Legal SARMs (as recommended by CrazyBulk)
Sarms Legal or Illegal - Conclusion
Legal steroids [such as CrazyBulk Best SARMs] are a completely safe, tested and 100% effective proposition for those wishing to give their training a boost.
These legal SARMs are manufactured in FDA-approved facilities with 100% natural and scientifically backed ingredients of the highest quality.
They are not addictive and cause no side effects at all.
They are not detected in doping controls, nor do they charge (in any way) the health of the user (physically, mentally or psychologically).
They do not contain synthetic versions of testosterone and do not require a recovery cycle (PCT).
They are not using injections and are easy and safe to use.
It is the top proposal currently worldwide for sports reinforcement and a big trend.
Nitric Oxide Supplements: What are they?
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